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Dear Reader,

Your help is needed—please donate today to support Geist's publishing and community outreach programs.

Geist started in 1990 as a small newsprint publication. Since then it's grown into the most widely read literary magazine in Canada, winning critical acclaim and receiving dozens of awards. But publishing a magazine isn't the only thing we do, so when you donate to Geist, you support a whole lot more.

When you give to Geist you support the publication of both the Geist newsletter and website, read each year by more than 115,000 readers, featuring a selection from the archive of Geist material, web-exclusive content and Advice for the Lit-lorn, a free advice blog on writing, editing and publishing put together by our editorial staff.

When you give to Geist you help distribute free copies of the magazine (with accompanying lesson plans) to thousands of writing and editing students in Canada through the Geist in the Classroom program.

When you give to Geist you foster the next generation of writers and editors—over the years our senior staff have mentored hundreds of writers, interns and volunteers.

Please give generously today! Your contribution will play a meaningful role in supporting Geist editors and writers in getting Geist work to readers all over the country.

Supporting Geist is easy. Simply click here, send a cheque or call Geist toll-free at 1-888-434-7834 to give.

Warm wishes during the holiday season,

AnnMarie MacKinnon

PS: Your donation is urgently needed and much appreciated. All donors will be acknowledged on a special acknowledgement page in Geist. Join the list of donors today!