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The Gutenberg Effect: Living a Handmade Life
Photo of Crispin and Jan Elsted by Brian Howell

Living outside the digital world means no computers, Internet, design programs or spell-check.

Crispin and Jan Elsted produce books of extraordinary beauty using techniques and traditions that date from the days of Johannes Gutenberg .

The Stewardess Swims Over The Sea
The Stewardess Swims Over the Sea
Find inspiration for your own postcard story in the first prize winner from the First Annual Postcard Contest. "Please secure your own mask first. Breathe normally, but in a Machiavellian manner."

Canadian Authors Get Naked For Charity

Twelve Canadian authors will disrobe in support of the Bare it for Books calendar, with all proceeds going to PEN Canada, which supports freedom of expression in Canada and worldwide.

Nudity to support books—silly. Nudity to support free speach—that's something to get behind.

To get involved and find out who's Mr. February, click here.

Long tone. Bell sound. Clock strike. Short tone.
Emergency Broadcast System
George Murray reminds us that despite the cat, howitzer and topless lady, his poem is only a test. Begin when you hear the long tone.

Obituary of Patrick Carr, 1770; Wikimedia Commons
Death and The Economist
The art of the obituary lives on—Thad McIlroy reviews obituaries of note from The Economist magazine, including those of the "gunrunner of CIA front companies" and "last interesting Marxist."

SFU Woodwards: Poets and the Social Self event

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Postcard Contest

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Advice from Geist: No. 784
“If you absolutely must date a writer, always maintain complete anonymity. Disguise kits and fake accents should not be overlooked.”

This week's piece of advice is from Geist reader Andrea Daniels, in response to advice about dating writers from Geist contributor Heather O'Neill.

Email with your own piece of advice.
We'll select one pearl of wisdom to be featured in the Geist newsletter each week.

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